Saturday 1 May 2010

Thriller Task- Evaluation

- I feel that our thriller was a huge improvement on our preliminary piece in all aspects. The planning was much more in depth, and the effort we put in to the piece was a substantial amount more. As a group we went out of our way to make the torture scenes more effective by getting in help to do the cuts and wounds. Also the location scouting though it took time for the torture scenes we ended up finding a place that was close and fit all aspects of the criteria. The editing is much more high tech and took weeks rather than days to try and create a thriller with suspense and tension.
-The refilming of the premoniton scene took time and looking back i'm glad we took the time to re shoot and get a more relaxed and realistic set of shots.

- Some of the editing the group didn't agree on and at times it was hard to find middle ground.
- The main thing if i could go back and change would be the music, although we worked hard in finding and editing the music on there now, i felt with more time we could have found something more fitting.

Target Audience for our thriller is young males and female between 15-23, this is my opinion from what i found from the research i did.

The BBFC rating for the opening i would say would be a 15. But if the film was continued and the torture scenes were shown graphically, as in the openning scene we see the aftermath, it may become an 18.

1) In what ways does you media product, use, develop or challenge the forms and conventions?

As an opening to our thriller we kept to the task by having credits scrolling through, and we research the forms and conventions of a thriller so i feel in turn that kept us in the forms and conventions of a media product. The editing we used what i felt was high skill for our expierence with the technology, but wouldn't compete with films that have large edting studios and expierence.

2) How does your media piece represent particular social groups?

The only group of people shown are teenagers and i dont think we portrayed any of the themes associated with teenagers at the momoent in the media. They're seen as victims and seen talking about school work in the premoniton scene. They're attending a party, but no knife or drug crime is shown.

3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media and why?

I see art houses producing out film if we were to make it full length or we would be part of the film four programme in which they discover new and upcoming directors and producers.

4) Who would be the audience for you media and why?

When making our thriller we didn't have atagter audience in mind but from research i conducted i see it attracting both genders between 15-23.

5) What have your learnt about technology from the process of constructing this product?

The production kit (camera, tripod e.t.c) i already knew how to use. It was the apple mac's editing suite where it took time to learn the skills. A lot of it was trail and error and you can improve just by playing around on the prgramme for an hour. Now i am confident with editing media products which shows how much i've learnt in 9 months.