Saturday 30 January 2010

Thriller Task- Initial Ideas

For initial planning we brainstormed ideas in a group we came up with a plot for the thriller piece. It is about a girl who had premonitions that predicted what would happen in the future.

Final destination is based on the same principle as our thriller. But is categorized as a supernatural-thriller-horror. The basic principle is a group of people cheat death in some way, and then one of the people has a premonition of each person’s death. Soon after, they all start dying in freak accidents. After the great success with the first Final Destination 3 sequels have been made, one recently released in 2009.

“Premonition” is based around a middle class couple Linda and Jim Hanson who have two daughters in their home in the suburbs. On a Thursday morning Linda is informed about the death of her husband. The next morning she wakes to find Jim is safe and sound at home. When she wakes the next morning he is dead again, she realizes her days are out of order, but her friends and family believe she is insane.

Although both of these films have different aspects that our thriller will not have, such as the way in which death is out to get the group of people in "Final Destination". Also in "Premontion" the days are out of order as she is fighting her husband and against her friends and families believe she has gone insane. These factors are what make them films unique, but the primary idea is the same. A person can see the future through a premontion and doesn't understand how, and has to fight to stop the premontion from becoming reality.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Preliminary Task- Video & Evaluation

As this was the first time filming and editing i see this as success. We reached our goal which was to get a range of camera shots. If we were able to go back and redo the task, i personally see two main faults in editing where the camera jumps, this is at 10 secs & 54 secs, the clips don't flow together as effectively as the others. Also i feel looking back, a piece of music in the background throughout the piece would have created a better atmosphere.

Friday 8 January 2010

Preliminary Task- Planning

The key fundamental of the preliminary task for me was to have two people some how meet and converse with a range of camera shots. We brainstormed idea within the group and decided we wanted a simple idea that could be interpreted in different ways.

We decided on a girl in our group running around the school without the audience knowing the intenetion so they'd be captivated. The reason we chose the school was because there is a range of places she could run around and we'd be able to set up the camera to get interesting camera shots.

Rather than sitting down and trying to plan the piece we got a still camera and went around the school and figured out the shots, this left us with well planned and thought out story boards which are below.

This story board shows the beginning of the piece in which you can see Sarah running through the door and making her way down the stairs and running in to the school toilets.

The second story board shows what shots we used in the toilets, but it doesn't show the person coming into the toilet to share the short piece of dialogue because we ran out of time when we were taking these pictures.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Still Camera Work

At the start of the year in a group we were given a still camera to go and practice different camera shots with, to test our knowledge and get us comfortable behind the camera.

This is a extreme close up camera shot.

These are both examples of a close up camera shot.

This picture is a good example of a medium over the shoulder shot.

This picture is a long over the shoulder shot, the difference is being able to see nearly all of her legs. Wheras a medium shot is usually just the top half of the body.

When we took this picture it was meant to be a group long shot but looking at it now i think it is an extreme long shot.